Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: March 1, 2025 - Last updated: March 1, 2025


Author: Gwen Bergner

Title: Rape Culture and the Zombie Apocalypse

Subtitle: Richard Matheson's I Am Legend

Journal: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies

Volume: 70

Issue: 4

Year: Winter 2024

Pages: 609-632

pISSN: 0026-7724 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 1080-658X - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century | American History: U.S. History | Society: Rape Culture; Representations: Literary Texts / Richard Matheson


Link: Project MUSE (Free Access)


Author: Gwen Bergner, Center for Women's and Gender Studies, West Virginia University -, ResearchGate

Abstract: »This essay considers how the sexual violence in Matheson’s iconic post-apocalypse novel dramatizes social tensions arising from Cold War “containment” policies that corralled affluent, white families in the suburbs to prevent socio-political unrest. Neville, the last man, must defeat a horde of zombie-vampire women and capture the lone woman survivor to restore the nuclear family and ensure human survival. Neville’s rationalized gender violence recalls “wife-capture” tropes in earlier prehistoric fictions and anticipates recent zombie apocalypse texts that also naturalize sexual violence as necessary to reproductive futures, thus revealing the social logic of “rape culture.”« (Source: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies)

  Abstract (p. 609)
  Swinging in the Suburbs (p. 612)
    Sex and the Single Man (p. 612)
    The Alien in the House (p. 617)
  Back to the Future: Prehistoric Wife-Capture and Reproductive Futurism (p. 619)
    The Secret Sharer (p. 619)
    Last Man/First Man (p. 621)
  Reproducing a Human Future (p. 624)
  Notes (p. 628)
  Works Cited (p. 630)

Lecture: Bergner, Gwen. »Rape Culture and the Zombie Apocalypse: Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend53rd Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Baltimore 2022. - Bibliographic Entry: Info

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of the United States | Feminism: Feminist terminology / Rape culture | Literature: American literature / Richard Matheson, I Am Legend (novel)